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Density, laying date, breeding success and diet of Black Kites Milvus migrans govinda in the city of Delhi (India)

February 2014

The density of Black Kites in Delhi, India, may represent the highest concentration of a raptor recorded in the world and has.....

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Offspring defense by an urban raptor responds to human subsidies and ritual animal-feeding practices

October 2018

There is a growing interest in the behavioural and life history mechanisms that allow animal species to cope with rapidly expanding urban habitats, which impose frequent proximity to humans.

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It is well-documented that urban waste contributes to the economy by creating livelihoods. Less is known, however, about the role of urban waste in producing human–animal ecologies involving livestock and wild birds.


No effect of satellite tagging on survival, recruitment, longevity, productivity and social dominance of a raptor, and the provisioning and condition of its offspring

December 2015

The deployment of electronic devices on animals is rapidly expanding and producing leapfrog advances in ecological knowledge. 


Human-attacks by an urban raptor are tied to human subsidies and religious practices

February 2019

Growing urbanization is increasing human-wildlife interactions, including attacks towards humans by vertebrate predators, an aspect that has received extremely scarce investigation.


Cities : How Do Some birds Thrive There?

April 2020

How does a very urbanized, paved, and populated landscape manage to support enormous flocks of birds in tropical cities? This is mostly unknown for urban birds like me: the Black Kite Milvus migrans.

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Habitat selection by an avian top predator in the tropical megacity of Delhi: human activities and socio-religious practices as prey-facilitating tools

 December 2017

Research in urban ecology is growing rapidly in response to the exponential growth of the urban environment. 


Population density of an urban raptor is inextricably tied to human cultural practices.

April 2019

Human socio-cultural factors are recognized as fundamental drivers of urban ecological processes.........


GPS telemetry unveils the regular high elevation crossing of the Himalayas by a migratory raptor: implications for a definition of a "Central Asian Flyway"

September 2020

We used GPS-telemetry to uncover the migration routes and breeding areas of the massive population of migratory Black-eared kites wintering around the megacity of Delhi....

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