Offspring defense by an urban raptor responds to human subsidies and ritual animal-feeding practices
October 2018
There is a growing interest in the behavioural and life history mechanisms that allow animal species to cope with rapidly expanding urban habitats, which impose frequent proximity to humans.
November 2019
It is well-documented that urban waste contributes to the economy by creating livelihoods. Less is known, however, about the role of urban waste in producing human–animal ecologies involving livestock and wild birds.
No effect of satellite tagging on survival, recruitment, longevity, productivity and social dominance of a raptor, and the provisioning and condition of its offspring
December 2015
The deployment of electronic devices on animals is rapidly expanding and producing leapfrog advances in ecological knowledge.
GPS telemetry unveils the regular high elevation crossing of the Himalayas by a migratory raptor: implications for a definition of a "Central Asian Flyway"
September 2020
We used GPS-telemetry to uncover the migration routes and breeding areas of the massive population of migratory Black-eared kites wintering around the megacity of Delhi....